In her never ending quest to Hello Kittify everything, the evil feline has gradually moved up in size when it comes to appliances. It therefore should not be a surprise (although you are more than welcome to feel intense disgust) that Sanrio is now pushing a Hello Kitty washing machine:

As you sit there asking yourself “why does a washing machine need Hello Kitty all over it?” like any normal person would do, step back and realise that this has been the exact same question you have asked yourself for every single item you have seen on this blog. Nobody in their right mind would ever even consider placing a monstrosity like this in their home, but we have long ago established that Hello Kitty fanatics aren’t in this category. Thus the question quickly becomes “how the hell do I keep my wife from seeing this so that it doesn’t end up in our home?” at which point she walks in, sees it, and promptly declares it “the cutest thing ever” and places it on her must have list for 2008.
While this is obviously a total disaster in itself, it also foreshadows the complete and utter Hello Kittification doom to our house. Now that a Hello Kitty washer exists, is it really that hard to imagine that a Hello Kitty refrigerator isn’t just around the corner? Just one more thing to worry about in Hello Kitty Hell…
Sent in by Melissa who deserves to be placed in the washer and have it run through a couple of hundred cycles for thinking even for a split second that anything positive could come out of sending this photo to me…
Hello Kitty Washer? In that case, I need a ****ing hello kitty dryer! How the hell am I supposed to do laundry, if my laundry appliances aren’t hello kitty-coordinated??!!
Maybe it’s time for a Hello Kitty house. Version 1 will be a traditional style North American house with pink trim/shingles, a front porch, HK decorations and a 10 foot (3 meter) pink plastic bow perched over an upstairs bedroom window. The bow will light up at night. Version 2 will be hardcore – the entire front of the house will be the catface. Enjoy!
Or has this already been done? and I’m late to the party?
You are so sexist! I suppose you want your wife to wash all the clothes by hand. Why don’t you get up off your butt and do the laundry once in awhile. If you are too lazy to do that, then you have no right to deny your wife any washing machine that she wants.
The Hello Kitty washing machine shows that Hello Kitty appreciates all the hard work that women do around the house. She is helping them do this hard work and bring a smile to their face at the same time. You making mean comments about it shows that you have no appreciation of the hard work your wife does.
I would love to have a Hello Kitty washing machine as would every one. Keep your chauvinistic and neanderthal thoughts to yourself and do us all a favor.
I’m sorry, but darlene…never more have i ever wanted to hurt you.
I could come up with the same washing machine at a quarter of the cost. I just need pink paint and lots of HK stickers.
darlene’s comment is moronic.
The washer needs to be HK pink, red just is not as cute.
Ok i have to have this. It would go with my hello kitty bathroom.
While I was reading darlene’s comment, I have realized that this may be a well-planned conspiracy by men. This provides excuses for men not to do laundary work.
> I would love to have a Hello Kitty washing machine …
So, how could women allow men to touch Hello Kitty Washer to operate.
your punishment is a couple hundred spins inside of it? you really expect it to be able to make a couple hundred spins? from as far as i can gather, hello kitty products aren’t worth the materials they’re made from (even if they cost 10x as much as any regular, working, item should). i would fully expect this thing to break down in the middle of one use, just long enough to completely soak all your clothes so you have to wait for them to dry on a tiny pink thread that came on a spool with an hk sticker on it that costs ten bucks and said “hello kitty clothes line” (not to be confused with the hello kitty wrestling match from a couple of posts ago)
There’s already the mini-refrigerator, so it’s just a question of going bigger…
And if you had some magnets, what would you draw on your refrigerator…?
What, in the name of sanity!!!!
Ok so what? It’s a simple red washing mashine with a HK sticker on the front window…and just because of it it can sell at 3 times the price as a regular washer!
darlene needs a sense of humor and I need this washing machine! I wonder how much is costs? 🙂
Darlene, you have officially crossed the line, watch your back.
NOWHERE in the whole 4 paragraphs does Mr. HKH say that he wants his wife to wash the clothes by hand, nor does he say that his wife does all the housework!
Please keep your editorials to yourself if you’re only going to start trouble. Don’t put words or actions onto other people since you are too scared to stand up for yourself when people criticize you!
I still would like to know how ‘you’ translates into ‘everyone’ wanting one of those evil looking things!
Don’t lump everyone else into the same gaggle of insane fanatical lunatics as you!
I like hello kitty, but morons like YOU are making me want to take all my stuff outside in the yard, set fire to it, and put it on here just so you can die of a heart attack when you dumb butt sees it!
Go get another hobby and stop being a bloody idiot!
MHK, as we say hereabouts, “you’ve not missed Darlene and hit the wall” with that one.
Reason to stay alive # 23…thanx Hello Kitty WORLD!
Alfred, I’d really hate to hear the other 22 reasons….
I’m having a blonde moment, but I think I get the gist of what you are saying… (lol)
… I could make a cuter hello kitty washer out of my own friggen washer..
which for some reason.. could be because I drank last night and am still kind of fuzzy headed..
.. doesn’t sound like a bad idea..
maybe if I place a computer and some video games and make it playable attached to the washer I could get my husband to do some friggen laundry!
I’ll just do it myself..
I think I want to go put some random wall stickers on my washer now.. just to make it pretty.. or something..
…naaaaahhh 😛
Darlene’s got to be a complete and total joke.
Or the writers wife.
She’s nuts, and just too over the top.
Darlene, learn to freaking read. He never said anything about wanting his wife to do laundry by hand, or that he never does laundry himself. For all you know, he’s the one that does the laundry. What then, huh? What do you say if HE does the laundry and his wife wants to force the Hello Kitty machine on him? Think for a couple of seconds before you post.
Oh, I almost forgot to mention something, Darlene. Chances are he probably already has a perfectly good washing machine. Why should he replace an existing, perfectly fine washing machine with this one just because this one is pinker? Explain THAT.
@ Kisa: your first one was too funny! LMAO! Sometimes its best just to do it our damn selves 🙂 THAT way clothes don’t wind up pink instead of white- my dad just did laundry a few days ago and all my once white socks are now pink….joy….
I suspect that there’s more Kitty-fying of the machine than the sticker on the front and the bizarre colour scheme. It’s probably not that expensive of a washer, either. As kooky as electronics get in Japan, they’re generally freakishly cheap.
Two of you are color blind. It is not pink, it is red. I love Hello Kitty, but it would be easy to make this. Unless the screen display up there has pixelated kitty faces. Then, I would need it.
Hello Kitty and Mimi are the new Pinky and the Brain…..please continue on your quest for world domination cuties.
i have that communist red hello kitty!
i win
MHK, “You’ve not missed…the wall” is a compliment, used to someone who’s delivered a particularly stinging put-down line.
You’ll be pleased to know that some males know to wash reds and whites separately. Actually, I know enough to establish just how “fast” dyes are before trying to wash more or less anything else with reds or whites!
Good Lord. Darlene SERIOUSLY needs to be taken to a nuthouse. I like Hello Kitty, but at least I’m sane enough to know she’s not realy real. (My obsession is Sailor Moon, and even THEN I’m not totally insane over it.)
to Eize:
“I could come up with the same washing machine at a quarter of the cost. I just need pink paint and lots of HK stickers.
darlene’s comment is moronic.”
Darlene IS moronic. I expect nothing more of her. XD
What I can do is get a cool front-loader washing machine (at probably better colors than that abortion of color coordination) get ‘Hello Kitty’ and a decal at her at a fraction of the cost and stick it onto the front panel.
Voila a custom HK machine that is one-of-a-kind.
I wonder if Darlene is a woman, and if so she has been married.
If she hasn’t at least she advertises what a idiot she is.
If she has, I feel SO sorry for her husbands considering her psychotic whining of men.
geeze does darlene realize that he get his wife a washing machine without HK? just because she doesn’t have a hello kitty washer doesn’t mean the whole world is going to end and she suddenly has to wash everythin by hand.
I think someone finally fell off the wagon…..
Or someone finally ate the rest of the sandwiches her picnic still had left 🙂
“I wonder if Darlene is a woman, and if so she has been married.
If she hasn’t at least she advertises what a idiot she is.
If she has, I feel SO sorry for her husbands considering her psychotic whining of men.”
You know, she COULD be a lesbian. I have nothing against lesbians, however, the way she complains about men, she could very well be.
I’m not so sure about that. I’ve got or had several lesbian friends, and they all liked men, the same sort of way that I like motor racing IYSWIM!
to MiSpoonIs2Big :
“You know, she COULD be a lesbian. I have nothing against lesbians, however, the way she complains about men, she could very well be.”
You know I see what you mean. I don’t like to categorize people into one certain stereotype, but it seems like almost all the lesbians I’ve run into, the majority do really think men are degenerate lowlife scum after you get to know them for a while. 8| They had no issue cheating them out of money, etc. because these men supposedly hurt their feelings. I thought they were exceptions until I got to know quite a few of them over a period of time.
I hope it’s just me. :/
@andophiroxia & MiSpoonIs2Big:
No, I’ve known a few Lesbians, and yes, the majority are man-haters, just like some gay men I’ve met are deep down really woman haters… I had one guy I knew who only liked me because I am more or less a tomboy…he said he hated girlie-girls…
Anyway… your comments are too funny!
@Kitteh!!: Then again, it may be just Americans lesbians 🙂
Hmm, apparently Darlene needs a dictionary, chauvinism means exaggerated patriotism. As in Darlene is chauvinistic to Hello Kitty Nation
Misogyny is dislike/hatred of women.
calling darlene names is not cool. Nobody calls the guy who started this fascinating blog a “big fat gay boy” do they?
Yeah MHK, I see what you mean. I’ve never knowingly known an American les.
Yeah, wasn’t meaning to call darlene names, (even though, sometimes she REALLY deserves it,) but all the lesbians I know and knew, with the exception of one, act like that. I know that chances are she’s probably not, but still, you never know.
What I do think is VERY clear, is that darlene is nuts. And that’s not name calling either, just an observation. I like Hello Kitty and all, but seriously, there is something seriously wrong with darlene if she thinks EVERYONE should like Hello Kitty, who supposedly brings love and sunshine and happiness to all those around her.
She needs to understand that it’s okay to NOT like Hello Kitty. It’s not the end of the world if someone does.
Anywho, I should probably stop ranting now, and get back to what I was doing.
wow, I must like the word seriously……. lol
Not starting an argument here; but darlene has most certainly called Mr.HKH names and insulted him over the past months… so this kind of seems like the pot calling the kettle… why not start with the real problem causer?
Seriously, we get your point…
For sure we get the point for sure. And now for sure I’m talking like a Scandanavian rally driver for sure! 😉
World Rally Cross, yay!!!!
“The Hello Kitty washing machine shows that Hello Kitty appreciates all the hard work that women do around the house. She is helping them do this hard work and bring a smile to their face at the same time. ”
The only way ‘she’ could help is if ‘she’ came over to your house and actually loaded the machine. But, let’s face it – who would want an overgrown cat with an inflated head mooching around their house?
hello kitty is the best people think that it is crapy stuff that mdoesnt last long but it does
Spoken like a true HK Zobie….
I’m here to tell you I HAVE a ton of HK stuff…most of it IS crap…get a grip…
ok, thats cool. i just have to have that. but cuter if it was in pink!!?
i want it i would die 4 it just wat i need 4 my hello kitty man torture chamber (house) have a nice day
Darlene, may I comment, neadrethals had no popular thought of mind, they were not even human related, the cromagnum were.
So please shut the hell up, and get some lessons on real dryers, unless you grew up in a dirt poor family, you wouldn’t have to wash your crap by hands, I for one had too, so please shut the hell up.
What The HECK!! a washing machine
damn this cat’s going overboard
whats next HK ovens and fridges!!
-looks in disgust-
OMGG!G!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i wnt that!! too
shall we just remember that mariah carey is apparently a hello kitty freak, and has the money to be. I wouldn’t be surprised if she didn’t already have this. and everything else on this site.
rich people.
“neadrethals had no popular thought of mind, they were not even human related, the cromagnum were.”
Actually, Neanderthals were not unlike us. They looked similar and had larger brains, but, whilst we don’t know much about them or their society because they didn’t go in much for artistic representation, you cannot say that they weren’t intelligent. As for their place on our family tree, they are on there somewhere, although nothing is definitive. Paleontologists are finding new information all the time, so the whole thing seems to be in a constant state of flux.
Oh, and Cro Magnons were not ‘human related’ – they were human (Anatomically Modern Humans, to be exact).
OMG I literally gasped outloud when I saw this!!! here is absolutely no way in hell my bf will let me have one but I WANT!!!
I would Pay any amount of money possible to own this piece of machinery
i would pay anything also.i love mhello kitty!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
omg how cute : D
hey kitty have fun washin ur clothes
Oh god! cant you read!? he said nothing about making his wife doing the laundry by hand! while his wife is a HK freak,in his mind,he lives in hell! jezz,i may like Hello Kitty,but sometimes
Oh god! cant you read!? he said nothing about making his wife doing the laundry by hand! while his wife is a HK freak,in his mind,he lives in hell! jezz,i may like Hello Kitty,but sometimes
i gotta draw the line! (had to finis from above)
Its not the washer that scares me, its the person in the hello kitty suit.. I shutter @ the thought of that thing walking around
1) It is possible to have a non hello kitty washing machine.
2) You assume only girls wash up, and clean, you are being sexist yourself, acting as though all men are lazy pigs who dont lift a finger for their wives. Hello kitty would frown on your for being so sexist xP
3) Keep your chauvinistic and neanderthal thoughts to yourself and do us all a favor.
Aww. Thats great.
I am a really big fan of Hello Kitty and some people might be like I hate this guy for talking smack about her! I find this quite in joyable also look up hello kitty house there really is one! My future home… 😀
btw i want that washing machine!
omg i want this =]] i wish i lived in japan id be a hellokitty whore haha
Hehehe lol
I love reading your post. I myself am one of those girls in love with HelloKitty, and my family finds me weird for it! lol
I totally got to se what your house looks like.
One question did you know your wife was a Hello Kitty fanatic before or after you married her? lol
i need this!!
I love hello kitty Ireally waant that robo but it costs a lot phooy
it cots like 4,999 dolars phooy