My wife decided to download a bunch of Hello Kitty coloring pages the other day (I’m still debating whether this is better or worse than her buying a Hello Kitty coloring book) and told me that I should practice so that I can color them with my nieces when they come to visit. This, of course, made for a very difficult dilemma. Should I color the Hello Kitty coloring pages like my wife expected me to, or should I color the Hello Kitty coloring pages the way that they actually should be colored?

Obviously, my wife doesn’t agree with me on how Hello Kitty coloring pages should be colored. Apparently, realistic depictions of the true character of the evil feline aren’t what she had in mind when she said that I should practice and she made it very clear that it was not appropriate for me to color the Hello Kitty coloring pages like was done above (for some unfathomable reason, she didn’t think that my nieces would appreciate it either).
Maybe a Hello Kitty coloring contest is in order to see which type of Hello Kitty coloring page is a truer depiction of how people see Hello Kitty? Then again, it is a no win situation. Even if I win, I lose — which is a typical result when you live in Hello Kitty Hell…
Left by @Krystalle on Twitter via Epic Win FTW who gets a reprieve for punishment for sending me Hello Kitty crap since it made me smile…
Update: Apparently there are others that also think that coloring Hello Kitty coloring pages can be a lot of fun when you bring out her true spirit:

Sent in by Tricia Kleinot via her blog Color Halo

Sent in by misspaprika
Hahahahahahah too funny.
OMG this is hilarious!
That’s a valid interpretation; there again I say that anything by way of fan art is a valid interpretation, whether it shows HL as all marshmallows and PeptoBismol or as Hello Hellish Kitty!
LOL I love the second one she looks so crazy…expressions are hilarious!
On the contrary, your nieces would probably appreciate it. They would probably be better at it, too.
WTF?!?!?! She has a mouth! Lol, I do like this better than the “normal” way, but seriously, depending on how old your nieces are, it might scare them.
So beautiful, I think I may cry…
LMFAO!!!! That’s just wrong!
*just don’t tramatize those kids by letting them see this…
I don’t get it. What changes did you make? O_o
omg this so wrong but funny:]
Aw, this is adorable! Especially HK Firebug.
I’m not sure you could color without ripping the page.
May you spend 6 week at the hello Kitty House for this desecration Mr. HKH.
That just made my day
Rollovers with the original page would be great.
I must say, excellent job on the shadows for the day in the park picture.
…and this is why not ALL people should have the “right” to procreate.
Hey that’s actually really cool!
my husband does the same thing. just one more reason to love him…
It’s…it’s beautiful. TToTT
Absolutely lovely, and yes. I bet your nieces think so too.. Got a 5 year old kid myself, and she would positively laugh at these ^^
check out my friend Tricia’s version on her website!!!!: //
Is it sad I scanned the page to see if I could find darlene flipping her lid?
Looks like what I used to do, until I learned to draw the blood by myself XD
@Liz- No it’s not sad, and anyway if everyone were really honest, we ALL want to see darlene lose it. It’s part of the fun and she always provides excellent enertainment 🙂
Haha. I did stuff like this to coloring pages when I was 8.
Dude that is just wrong but it is very funny.
OMG!!! my Kitty!!!~ My little cute kitty is gone!~ haha
you are stuped !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You probably don’t realise the irony in your comment, but thank you for making me laugh while simultaneously reaffirming the intelligence of those that follow the evil feline
lmfao. The one with the matches is the best. I like HK and even I can admit that this funny!
LOL, wow either u rly hate hello kitty or the cute overload has made u snap.
P.S did u get a hello kitty death stare for this? LOL
I love it. Very original
The last one was GOLD
i love hello kitty, but this is freaking awesome!
The first set are done by ladyalexiel on livejournal.
hah! yur agreat artist but i luv hello kitty :'(
lol awesome.
they are actually very good and funny 😀
think im gunna go buy a hello kitty coloring book now! thanks!
I love it so much.
I’m really into j-culture, so everyone assumes i love hello kitty and buys me pink hello kitty stuff.
I’m totally getting a colouring book and doing this. I love it.
Hello Kitty is the greatest and so are these!! 😀
I love the pumpkin one. Great as Headless Horseman.
this are not very nice pictures like I am only a 9 year old child and i love hello kitty very much I ‘m her biggest fan and I know hello kitty will not do these silly things!
Your right Kylie!
I like hello kitty so much as you do you are always right disgusting pictures 🙁
Haha Whyy Doo All Of Yhuu Guyss Gottaa HATE On Hello Kittyy?? Shee’s Adoraaable..(:<3
THis stuff is awesomee.
absolutely <3 hello kitty 🙂 love the sweetness she brings, but i do love the new "evil" side of her tht u brought out. funny, yet stil adorable ^_^ u should post new ones 🙂
cool !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <3 :p :
i love hello kitty i think you shouldnt do that again ok jk haha jk jk jk
Stop Being Such a Hater!! I mean i love hello kitty to! But i think this is awesome!!
Yall are crazy this is not funny please block your site from these horrible pictures.
these pictures are ugly i think that is mean to the creaters of hello kitty!!!!!
PS I HATE THIS WEBSITE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
wow yall sme crazzii pplz danq hello kitty u like to kill lol
whoever made this website should be banned!!!! it is absolutely gross and just plain stupid!!!! i agree with emily
Wow stop drinking the Haterade!! I mean seriously freedom is allowed on this site! This is a very creative way to let out anger and frustration!
I love the site. I have a love/hate relationship with the wretched cutie.
This is stupid,dumb,and unbelievable that grown people would do this!I am 10 and love hello kitty!I agree with emily and shannon
Hey, i like hello kitty too, but i don’t hate this! you should at least appreciate them no matter how stupid, dumb, and unbelievable it is. you should think that they might hate hello kitty as much as you hate them hate hello kitty!
Wel how about this, if u haters dnt like it, look somewheres else. it’s called creativity, ppl can hav tht u kno? If it’s nt what u like then go look at some freakin hello kitty pix u do. Lame asses with no sense of humor. And if ur ten u rele hav no horse n the race to even b talking with the grown ups.
i know right? i totally agree with u
this is so coooooooooooool i love the where shes on fire with the hola hoop
i like the one where she’s batting the birds thats a close 2nd with the bath or the one where she is carrying a leg.
so funny but some give me the creeps
you idiot get a life!!! hello kitty is not like this!!! so stop hating on hello kitty and go get a life, you dumb piece of crap…hating hello kitty doesn’t take you anywhere!!! Screw you, hello kitty is more successful than you will ever be.
HEck noCHIll out its just pictures!!!! lmao. <3
im a die-hard fan of hello kitty but i love your drawings (not too much of the other people’s ) ! But more please 🙂
who has to “practice” coloring lol sad lil person who secretly loves her:)
Haha lol i love hello kitty but thats so funny and they look really cool! (:
why would haters do that, thats wrong?!!!!!!!!!
WTF is your problem?? Do you have anger issues God Damn Bless You!
this is stupid and ugly! practicing coloring for neices what are they demons! god i was searching pictures of hello kitty to color and i sholdnt find this! rlly men! making fun of hello kitty!? hello kitty isnt for grown mature men (like what you SHOULD be) hello kitty is for little girls god i hate thius stupid website!
if you think hello kitty is not for grown mature men, then you probably already know why they do it and you can appreciate their effort on coloring pictures like this. besides, they won’t color hello kitty pictures if they’re not forced to, right? 😉
I like hello kitty but this is so cool i have a hello kitty pencil case and it looks so cool now i ‘improved’ it i am gonna print some hello kitty coloring pages right now and get evilifying
I love Hello Kitty This is just mean
this website sucks
because i love hello kitty and ur drawings are so ugly
i am ten as well an i agree with gabby
if you’re ten then get outta here, because if you hate it, DON’T comment because it’s just going to ruin the website. you don’t want THAT comment when you post something, don’t you
you shouldnt do that about hello kitty
i am 9 and you better take that back
LIES. Your nieces will love it. Spoken as a former sick and twisted 7-year-old girl.
Also, amused by the supposed tots commenting in outrage on your page.
Omg I love this!!! I started coloring my coloring pages like this now for all characters!!! Right now i am working on a zombie pikachu pic!! Warning to all i love hello kitty and i think this is a creative way to create all pictures!!
SO AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am a big fan and collector of all things Hello Kitty!your coloring pages are hillarious, you are quite the artist too, lol.
I ain’t mad at ya 😉
LOL these comments are hilarious. Get over it. The coloring pages are very artistically well done.
There’s soooo many hate comments. I guess they just don’t understand what ‘artist’ means 🙂
P.S plz post more things like this
Haha… you have to admit though that Hello Kitty make people creative, nevermind they hate her… ^^
You’re right, Hello Kitty is not really “of use”, but who cares, she’s that cuuuuuuuuuuuuute XD~
What’s a feline? O.o