There are many ways to ruin a car. For fanatics of the one-with-no-mouth, this is an everyday occurrence that they seem able to accomplish without even giving it a second thought. For the true fanatic, however, simply ruining a car is far too mundane. They want to take it to a level that not only makes everyone ask “wtf? Why would anyone do that?” but also makes them cringe that something like it exists in the world.
If we are truly being honest with ourselves, I guess we should have seen this coming. With all the different cars sporting the evil feline’s face these days, and the fact that she also has her own line of engine oil, is it really a surprise that there now exists a Hello Kitty engine?
We can only hope that this either blows up (as distinct possibility if they are putting the HK engine oil into it) or that someone takes pity on the world and places this vehicle into a car compactor. Until then, we have one more example of the Hello Kitty Hellish world we live in…
Sent in by Suzanne