Yet another poor soul that ended up in the tattoo shop after too much Hello Kitty beer and thought this would be a good idea…
Hello Kitty bow
Hello Kitty Giant Bow Tattoo
While there are numerous things that one can say about Hello Kitty fanatics, I guess there is one thing that you can never say. That is that Hello Kitty fanatics don’t provide an ample amount of “wtf?” into the lives of all the sane people in the world. This is especially true when it comes to Hello Kitty tattoos as yet another one so perfectly illustrates:
Hello Kitty Bow Ring
There really should be a law that prohibits the combination of Hello Kitty and rings which should have been evident from the Hello Kitty wedding rings. Of course, the evil feline would never let the horror stop there. Case in point — another hideous left-over from the Three Apples event which should obviously die a fiery death, but people keep insisting on sending me: The Hello Kitty bow ring.
I guess Hello Kitty fanatics like the boxing glove look (although I must admit that simply seeing this makes me want to punch something)…
Sent in by far too many people who obviously have way too much time on their hands and are clinically blind.
Hello Kitty Photo Dump
It’s that time of the week again when those posts that that didn’t make the front page are listed for self induced torture for those who decide for some unfathomable reason that you must go and visit them (It must be car wreck syndrome — you know you shouldn’t look, but you have to anyway…). The scariest part is that it seems no matter how many of these I list, more still arrive – a constant Hello Kitty Hell…
Hello Kitty Nails (update)
Hello Kitty .45 Caliber Handgun
Hello Kitty Radio Controlled Truck
Hello Kitty and Disco Stormtrooper Costumes
Hello Kitty Box Cutter
Hello Kitty Swine Flu Mask
Hello Kitty eMac
Hello Kitty Jack-o-Lantern (update)
Hello Kitty Bloodfest
Hello Kitty Darth Vader Halloween Costume
Hello Kitty Halloween Tattoo
Hello Kitty Three Apples Fashion
Hello Kitty Headband Bow (update)
Hello Kitty Roller Coaster
Hello Kitty Cat Fur Bow Revenge
Hello Kitty fanatics don’t often think about this, but there can be a price to pay when you dress your pets in Hello Kitty outfits. It doesn’t take a genius to see that many of the cats who are dressed in Hello Kitty look like they will seek unspeakable revenge on their owner as soon as the chance presents itself. Usually we never get to see if this revenge is completed, but here is a photo of Jeanne (who made her cat wear a Hello Kitty bow out of her own fur) a few days later:
Hello Kitty Cat Bow
You know that if celebrities are putting Hello Kitty bows in their hair, then a Hello Kitty fanatic with a cat and too much time on her hands is going to do something like this: