It has been shown time and again that Hello Kitty in herself is just plain wrong. Hello Kitty tattoos have a way of highlighting that wrongness in ways that make us all shake our heads in disbelief. Then, of course, there are tattoos that when seen are simply wrong in so many ways and there isn’t really much more to say. A perfect example:
Hello Kitty Wedding Ring Tattoo
As difficult as it is to imagine, Hello Kitty fanatics have come up with a way to make even the Hello Kitty wedding ring look like it could be a good option. In their never ending drive to make every guy with even an ounce of sanity stay as far away as possible from them, a Hello Kitty fanatic somehow decided that a Hello Kitty finger tattoo in combination with the “always forever” sentiment of a Hello Kitty wedding ring would be a wonderful idea. Even more unfathomable, the Hello Kitty fanatic was able to convince her significant other that this idea wasn’t completely and utterly insane. Thus he has to live with the Hello Kitty wedding ring tattoo for eternity:
Hello Kitty Terminator Tattoo
For some reason which I still have not been able to fathom, people feel compelled to ruin my day by sending me photos of their tattoos of the evil feline. It’s as if they believe that their tattoo will somehow convince me that I have somehow misinterpreted my Hello Kitty Hell and all of a sudden I will become a born again Hello Kitty fanatic. The truth is that I simply see another addition to the never ending line of people who will undoubtedly regret their Hello Kitty tattoos. The latest case to perfectly illustrate this is the Hello Kitty terminator tattoo:
Hello Kitty Giant Bow Tattoo
While there are numerous things that one can say about Hello Kitty fanatics, I guess there is one thing that you can never say. That is that Hello Kitty fanatics don’t provide an ample amount of “wtf?” into the lives of all the sane people in the world. This is especially true when it comes to Hello Kitty tattoos as yet another one so perfectly illustrates:
Hello Kitty Pierced Finger Tattoo
Once again, it appears that Hello Kitty has decided to take combinations in an unfortunate direction. Hello Kitty tattoos and Hello Kitty piercings are frightening enough on their own, so who would ever doubt that a Hello Kitty fanatic would have the unfortunate thought that putting them together would be a good idea?
Hello Kitty Michael Jordan Tattoo
In her never ending quest to unwittingly create the worst tattoos in the history of mankind (and to use absolutely any avenue possible to further her into the limelight on the backs of others), the evil feline decided that a Hello Kitty Michael Jordan tattoo would somehow be a good idea:
Hello Kitty Spock Tattoo
It sucks to be a Star Trek fan if there is a Hello Kitty fanatic in the vicinity. If you have to ask why, then obviously you haven’t seen the abominations such as the Hello Kitty Klingon, the Hello Kitty Captain Kirk and the Hello Kitty Spock. And we all know that Hello Kitty fanatics can’t resist terrible Hello Kitty tattoo combinations, so it really shouldn’t come as a surprise that some delusional fan thought that getting a Hello Kitty Spock tattoo would actually be a good idea:
Hello Kitty Super Hero Tattoo
First it was the evil feline wanting to be other super heroes like Hello Kitty Superman, then she believed that she should be a super hero in her own right to the point that she had a Hello Kitty super hero plush made of herself. So was there really any doubt that someone would eventually (and foolishly) believe that a Hello Kitty super hero tattoo would be a good idea?
Hello Kitty Breast Cancer Tattoo
I want to first make it clear that I have nothing against breast cancer campaigns, but I do have to say that these campaigns have gotten way out of hand when someone thinks that it is a good idea to get a Hello Kitty tattoo with a breast cancer pink ribbon as the bow: