Hello Kitty Sexy Nightmare 2

I knew I had another Hello Kitty Hellish day coming when I opened up my email this morning. We already have established that the mixture of Hello Kitty and anything sexy is bound to produce something that is horror movie nightmarish and no matter how hard people try, Hello Kitty doesn’t make you hot and sexy. While Hello Kitty fanatics can’t seem to comprehend this universal truth, the following photo once again proves the point in the worst of ways:

Hello Kitty s&m

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Hello Kitty Snow Cap

HKH Editor note: All I can say is be very careful what you wish for when it comes to Hello Kitty Hell because things will always turn out much worse than you could ever imagine…enjoy the next two weeks

By darlene

Hello Kitty is a fashion icon that everyone loves and cherishes. True men embrace her because they have no fear of their masculinity. It’s is only men that have issues with their manhood that don’t like Hello Kitty and feel it necessary to say bad things about her. That is why Hello Kitty has started a men’s line of clothing which will be a huge success. This man is a true man and shows his fashion sense with a Hello Kitty snow cap:

Hello Kitty snow cap

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Hello Kitty Bra Shop

Hello Kitty themed stores freak me out because there is no question that it will end up on my wife’s lists of places we must visit some day. It’s bad enough that I will someday be tortured into having to go to the Hello Kitty sweet shop, the Hello Kitty hotel (or even worse, the Hello Kitty love hotel) and the Hello Kitty hospital, but when it comes to evil feline and Hello Kitty bras, the Hello Kitty bra shop is a nightmare come true:

Hello Kitty bra store

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Hello Kitty Aki Hoshino

While the Hello Kitty vibrator pretty much put to rest any doubt that Sanrio wanted to expand beyond kids, the recent collaborative between Hello Kitty and Aki Hoshino pretty much continues along these lines. For those unfamiliar, Aki Hoshino is a Japanese bikini model that has turned that into a b-list TV career:

Aki Hoshino bikini

Not known for much else but the massive amount of flesh on her chest, Hello Kitty has embraced her with a new T-shirt line:

Hello Kitty Aki Hoshino clothes

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Hello Kitty Fashion Show Video

There is not much in this world that I would consider a worse form of torture and torment than having to sit through something like this Hello Kitty fashion show:

While my wife would view attending something like this close to heaven, I think I would need to carry around the sack full of the Hello Kitty barf bags just to make it through the first few minutes. It’s painful enough having to watch it on a video, let alone imagining what it would be like attending live. Of course, my wife is already frantically searching to see if there are other Hello Kitty fashion shows planned for the future — which means that my life could soon dive much, much deeper into Hello Kitty Hell…

Sent in by kttops who really deserves an extra special horrifying punishment for 1) making me sit through that video 2) upon seeing it, convincing my wife that not seeing a Hello Kitty fashion show will mean her life has somehow lost all its meaning 3) Thinking for even a fraction of a second that it would be a good idea to send me something like this…

Hello Kitty Face Mask

I don’t get colds. I refuse. I take extra precautions to the point of obsession. This has absolutely nothing to do with fear of germs or being compulsive about cleanliness, but every thing to do with the torture and humiliation I have to endure if I do ever catch a cold.

Thus is was with great regret that I actually caught my first cold in years this past week which basically is the worst thing that can happen in the world if you live in Hello Kitty Hell. It’s not the stuffy nose, sore throat or headache that is bad — those are merely minor symptoms compared to the pain and embarrassment of having to roam around with a Hello Kitty face mask:

Hello Kitty face mask

In Japan, you wear these when you have a cold so that you don’t give your cold to other people. I have absolutely no problem with this concept except when Hello Kitty is plastered on the front of the face mask. It is just so wrong in so many ways when a 6 foot 3 inch foreigner wanders the streets of Japan with a Hello Kitty face mask on and it isn’t only me that sees it this way. You can see the sheer terror in the eyes of the Japanese when they see me, undoubtedly believing that I’m going to hack them to pieces at any moment because that is the type of crazy foreigner that would actually wear a Hello Kitty face mask.

My wife, of course, thinks that it’s the cutest thing ever to the point where she wants to walk around town together with matching Hello Kitty face masks on. She says that it is good practice for when the bird flu arrives and I may have to spend months wearing these Hello Kitty face masks. Somehow dying from the bird flu doesn’t sound all that bad when looking at the alternative of living…

This means that for the next week I have the choice of being cooped up in our house with no escape from the Hello Kitty Hellishness that is somehow still referred to as our house (although it really looks more like the worst pink nightmare that you could ever imagine) or I must venture out to endure the extreme humiliation that would be considered cruel and unusual torture if forced upon any enemy combatants during a time of war. Alas, this is a common dilemma when you live in Hello Kitty Hell…