I hate it when Hello Kitty photos ends up in my email box, but they always take on a bit more severity when that photo is of Hello Kitty food. Case in point, the Hello Kitty sandwich:

One mans hell with cute overload
I hate it when Hello Kitty photos ends up in my email box, but they always take on a bit more severity when that photo is of Hello Kitty food. Case in point, the Hello Kitty sandwich:
I try to avoid showing any Hello Kitty food to my wife because when photos of it end up in my email, three incredibly tortuous things happen. It goes without saying that I have to hear about how cute the Hello Kitty food item is for the next week. During that time I’m under constant threat that my wife will actually try to make the Hello Kitty food item in question which will mean that I will have to eat it. Then there is the whole “only Hello Kitty food diet” that inevitably comes back to life that my wife still believes would be a good idea. With this in mind, I jumped back in fear when the Hello Kitty Jello landed in my email:
When it comes to Hello Kitty food, one would logically conclude that it really couldn’t get much worse than Hello Kitty instant ramen, but of course this assumption would be coming from someone that doesn’t really know the evil feline. Not satisfied with only the freeze dry ramen noodle market, Hello Kitty has branched off in an attempt to corner the canned ramen noodle market as well:
If you just read the title of this post, you probably had your heart skip a beat. While it’s not quite that bad and is safe for work, it’s still definitely Hello Kitty Hellish. Not that Hello Kitty really needs anything to go with the Hello Kitty guts, but since the Japanese like to brand their snacks with names that probably wouldn’t sell well in the US, you have things like Hello Kitty Collon:
I know it’s going to be an extra special Hello Kitty Hell day when my wife comes into the room with a bright, shining smile and announces that Hello Kitty sushi (which pretty much ranks up there on the nausea scale with Hello Kitty bento) will be something I should be looking forward to trying next week:
When you live in Hello Kitty Hell, you have to grab onto the smallest things to maintain your sanity…things like this Hello Kitty candy:
There is really nothing special about Hello Kitty candy and the evil feline has adopted making the sweet and sugary substance in her image in countless ways. That being said, I particularly like the placement of the candy stick on this one (since I have the urge to do this to Hello Kitty on a daily — if not hourly — basis) and think it would do wonders to the entire Hello Kitty image if all Hello Kitty items were to add this as part of a new design. Oh, one can dream — even when living in Hello Kitty Hell…
Sent in by Marco who deserves applause for showing there is a way to improve Hello Kitty, but who also should be forced to eat this on a regular basis as punishment for reminding my wife that we haven’t had much Hello Kitty candy around the house which will undoubtedly mean I will be having a sugary diet next week…
It should be no surprise that Hello Kitty will Kittify anything sweet since there are already confectionery shops devoted to the evil feline. So I really should have been more prepared when the Hello Kitty ice-cream arrived at our house the other day: